Sunday, 16 September 2018

Tulle-bi-telli Time-jump

Ah, remember when the tree was up and frost glittered the landscape? it was nine months ago, and I haven't posted since late last year, but I've had some time off work and finally am getting round to posting again. My excuse? It's been a busy year: new flat; dreamy new job; kicking poor mental health in the butt; saying goodbye to my childhood home of 25+ years as my parents moved out and relocated to an actual different country (the trauma is real). So here is Christmas 2017, when I took the opportunity to wear my 1920s assuit tunic for the first time (I toyed with wearing it to a friends wedding but felt it a little dark, and perhaps a touch too dramatic). I believe the figural pattern indicates a Coptic rather than Muslim design? Any experts please chime in.  

As it is a tunic with mostly open sides, you can really play around with how you wear it. I belted the front section and left the back loose to create a cape effect. I also wore it pulled up higher at the front so the v-neck didn't interfere with the neckline of my top underneath, thus creating a deep V at the back as well as a longer length. Festive red tights to contrast the tulle, and black lace-up sandals finished the look off. It was a dream to wear, though I was perpetually frightened I'd rip it! 

1920s assuit tunic, ASOS shoes