Thursday, 17 December 2009

Bang Bang

I go through phases of wanting a fringe, then realising I could never commit to it and that my signature bouffant of massive hair would be severely hampered by its presence. So, a few weeks ago I bought a clip-in fringe (or 'bangs' if you're American). I'm not convinced a fringe even suits me, but it's nice to forgo vanity and change things up once in a while.

Shoes (Ravel), cardigan (Zara), blouse (Topshop), roll neck (H&M), skirt, (Topshop)


  1. I've been wanting bigger hair lately...maybe you're my secret inspiration!

  2. I think you should get bangs! It looks very Russian chic on you :)

  3. oooooh loving the bangs :)
    i just took a whack at mine
    and am feeling quite freaked
    because i cut too much!
    alas. now i am waiting for
    the sides to grow out more.
    it is very dangerous for me
    to have a scissors next to
    my mirror. but every time
    i try to take them away
    from myself, myself says "no!"
    ♥ you look dah-ling ♥

  4. The fringe is fabulous! And what's even can take it off! I'm trapped by my bangs. I can't bear the growing out process. Anyway, I need to keep this Ann Margaret thing I've got goin' on...the husband likes it...but it shows his age! Beautiful color combinations!

  5. I love the clip-in's! They look great and it is such a fun idea to try a new (temporary) hair style!

  6. that's a cute outfit! love floral garments.

  7. Wow, I love that nail polish color! by the way I love the way you look, almost doll-like!
