Thursday 16 April 2009

Feeling Minty Green

As I mentioned in the previous post, I did a bit of nail varnish shopping at the weekend. In addition to the gold, I got an amazing green glitter polish, courtesy of Barry M. I'm a sucker for anything sparkly/shiny, and it may seem immature to have glitter nails, but I don't care, sparkles are good! I am the proud owner of glitter shoes, belts, eyeliner, eyeshadow, get the picture. So after that potentially embarassing admission, here's another; I am in fact sad enough to plan an outfit around my nails. I'm sure I'm not the only person to do it! With my vivid green sparkly nails, I chose to debut a new minty green vest bought at the weekend. This is my attempt to look somewhat colourful for spring time. And it really is about as colourful as I'm ever going to get. Oh also, I finally have another black bandage skirt. My first one from Topshop (worn in yesterdays post), has been worn to death and the fabric has gone all bobbly. This one is also from Topshop, but is much tighter as the fabric has very little stretch to it, but I'm not complaining! I'm just glad to have another one.

Shoes (Marks and Spencer), skirt (Topshop), vest (Primark), cardigan (Topshop), antique belt buckle and silk sash.

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