Friday 6 March 2009

We can do it!

I've been thinking about wearing little bobby socks with these shoes for a while, and had the chance to try it out yesterday. I tried white socks but the contrast was too much with the black tights, so opted for grey instead. This dress doesn't get much wear, but it fits in nicely with the theme going on...its sort of utilitarian in a 40's war-time way. With the scarf, the dress and shoe- sock combo, I felt like a dedicated Land Girl, hence the the Rosie the Riveter pose above. Alas, I probably wouldn't be much use in a war, and don't quite exude the hardiness given off by Rosie, but lets hope thats never put to the test. P.S more opaque hosiery would have looked better, but its still bloody freezing in England. 

Shoes (Urban Outfitters), cardigan (Topshop), dress (Topshop), vintage belt, scarf (Tata-Naka)

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