Monday 16 March 2009


I bought this top a couple of years ago, but I haven't worn it much. It's basically a cape-like lace top, which drapes really nicely. The thing that stops me from wearing it more is its elastic waistband where all the layers of lace are gathered (you can't really see it in the pictures as its hidden under folds of fabric). It has a really awkward positioning, in that I either want it to be tighter and actually fit my waist, or be longer and allow me to pull it down onto my hips. It's hard to describe, but it means that I find it hard to pair the top with both skirts and trousers. I feel like it should be longer, so that it hides the top of my trousers, to keep things from looking too messy. Hmm I'll try it with a skirt next time, but I recall not liking the combo last time I tried. Anyway, enough of that. The trousers I bought earlier this week. I now have them in black, grey and this shade of deep red. God I love H&M and their cheap trousers. 

Shoes (Dune), belt (gift), top (Urban Outfitters), trousers (H&M)


  1. you are soooooo stunning.
    love this outfit especially the sleeves and the shade of burgundy on the pants.

  2. your skin is divine and I love this whole outfit, especially the top

  3. thankyou both! I'm going to start wearing the top more :)

  4. i love this top...SO MUCH. the lace is totally excellent.

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