Tuesday 6 January 2009

Spotty spotty

So yesterday was kind of dark and serious (outfit wise), so thought I'd be a little more frivolous and fun today......with dotty spotty goodness! I really did oppose the tacky, cliche, ubiquitous faux-50's polka dot prints that were everywhere a couple of years ago. The look and print just got so tired and overdone, it wasn't fun anymore. However, this skirt managed to sway me....I love the fit (it has an elasticated waistband, always a plus for me), the dots are fuzzy, and the material has a nice, almost metallic sheen to it. And, my boyfriend like it so he made me buy it. The scarf I got this Christmas just gone, and I thought it complimented AND contrasted quite nicely with the skirts print. 

Anyway, polka dot rant over, I really wanted to talk about this top/jacket thing I got in a charity shop for cheaps, yet never got round to wearing until today. I liked the pleated lapel type thingys on the front, yet the shape was awkward and weird and I just never knew what to do with it or got round to doing anything with it. As I put it on today, it occured to me that my main problem with it is how it fits, and then it hit me...move a button and a new shape shall thus take form. Duh! Why didn't I do this earlier?! So yeah, I added a button around the waist so that I can wrap it around me further and button it up in a more flattering way. It now fits much better, and gives off a sort of Victorian mourning jacket vibe (to me anyway), in that it looks like old taffeta and has all this nice Fortuny style pleat detailing. So I'm pretty happy, and predict I shall be wearing this a lot more in the future. 

Jacket (charity shop), shoes (Dune), skirt (Hurwundecki), scarf around waist (asos.com), roll neck (H&M).

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful shirt!
    I'm addicted to your blog..haha. You have such a unique style and I always wonder what you're going to wear next.
