Wednesday 14 January 2009

my first
I've seen Polyvore used on the internet before, especially now there's so many fashion blogs. Until yesterday, I had never bothered looking at the website, and was thusly ignorant of its absolute greatness! I seriously underestimated what it is and how fun it could be. It's like shopping but without the guilt of spending money...or its like the cyber equivalent of a paper doll, apart from the choice of clothes/accessories is seemingly endless. Above is my first attempt, I challenged myself to stay away from black, considering I wear it so much, and based it around the gorgeous pair of metallic green Lanvin shoes (if my feet could cry from desire, they'd be in floods). 

My second attempt was centred around the floral Topshop skirt. There's something so lovely and wintery about florals on a black background. I've been trying to work a long black floral skirt which I wore lots last summer into a winter outfit, but I'm still working on it. 

topshop skirt

And finally, I loved the colours of this skirt, so again based an outfit around it. Love the eye necklace, I'd definitely wear this complete look. 

If you're bored/have a spare hour (yeah, its time consuming), go straight there and play. Also, choosing items to put in your 'set', you realise just how much choice there is at our fingertips whilst shopping online. It really is amazing, how many different versions of green stilettos could there possibly be? Pages and pages of them!

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