Thursday, 28 March 2013

Aubrey and Alla

A couple of nights ago I watched the 1923 silent movie depiction of 'Salome'. As if watching the majestic Alla Nazimova in motion wasn't enough, the sets and costumes were inspired by Aubrey Beardsley, who is probably my favourite artist/illustrator of all time. You can see his monochromatic influence throughout the movie, which more than makes up for in visuals what it lacks in sound.  Natacha Rambova is the lady behind the sets and costumes. She was a beauty herself, with impeccable taste.
You can watch the whole movie here

I went a little screen-capping crazy...

Promo shot of the pearl draped outfit which was impossible to screen-cap   

P.S. I'm aware I didn't blog all through the winter, I had lots going on! I moved into a new (old) flat late last year; decorated; bought the kitten of my dreams; and just recently became an Auntie. Things should calm down soon.